How to Pitch Your Guest Post to Another Blogger

One of the most common tools in your blog promotion arsenal is the guest post. If you can write a post that another blog publishes, you not only receive a link to your blog, but you also get your name — and your blog’s name — in front of eyes that might not normally see what you write.

However, before you can dazzle heretofore unknown readers, you need to have your guest post accepted. Here are some things to keep in mind as you pitch your guest post to another blogger:

Find Out the Guest Posting Policy

The first thing you need to do is find out about the target blog’s guest posting policy. Some blogs have their guest blogging guidelines posted, and that makes it fairly easy to see what you need to do. If the blogger wants you to send full posts, write the post first, and then send it. If the blogger wants you to contact him or her with topic ideas before proceeding, that’s your angle.

When pitching or submitting a blog post, follow the listed guidelines exactly. As you know, bloggers are busy people. If you don’t follow instructions, you are likely to be rejected.

Sometimes, a blog won’t have posted guidelines. If this is the case, email the blogger, or send him or her a quick Twitter direct message. Ask if he or she accepts guest posts, and whether or not it would be possible for you to send over a few topic ideas. The worst that can happen is that the blogger in question answers your (hopefully) polite email with a “no.”

Pitch Ideas that Fit the Blog

Before you pitch an idea, make sure that you read a few posts on the blog. Pay attention to what subjects are covered, and how they are covered. You want your post to be a good fit for the blog. Whether you send the post complete, or send article ideas, you should be able to show that you have read the blog, and know what kind of articles the blog owner is looking for.

Tell the Blog Owner How You Can Be of Benefit

It’s assumed that you want a link to your blog. While you can briefly ask about the linking policy, don’t go on about it. Instead, let the blog owner know that you will submit the post to social media in his or her niche, and that you will tweet to your followers. This will help you improve your chances of being accepted.

Keep it Short

There is no need to write a long email. Introduce yourself, and express your interest in guest posting. Introduce your topic, and including one or two sentences about what you expect to cover in the post. Let the blog owner know that you will help promote the post. Thank the blog owner for his or her time, and close the email.

If you are including the guest post, as per the instructions, state where the post is (attached to the email, or pasted below your signature), before you close.

What tips do you have for pitching guest posts?


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  • Don\’t be afraid to shoot for the moon with guest posts. I\’ve pitched guest posts to some of the biggest names in the industry, and I have gotten in with a couple of them, which has been a huge benefit to me and my site.