The Podcaster’s Guide to FinCon

Are you a podcaster? Or thinking about starting a podcast? Perhaps you’re not a newbie; maybe you’re a veteran podcaster or somewhere in between. Podcasting is an essential part of FinCon with over 30% of FinCon attendees identifying as podcasters. Helping you get the most out of your FinCon experience is important to us.

We created this Podcaster’s Guide to help you navigate the event for podcasting-specific opportunities and learning experiences. Here’s everything podcasters need to know, including creating content during the event, snagging sponsors, and more. This list should help podcasters squeeze the most out of FinCon.

1. Get Sponsors for Your Show

You can meet potential advertising partners in FinCon Central as you strike up conversations with key brands that could turn into future revenue for your show.

A pro tip is to pack more than just a business card for these introductions. If you want to snag a sponsor, consider bringing a media kit.

A media kit for podcasters might include:

  • Highlights about your show
  • Stats about downloads
  • Insight on who your listeners are
  • List of your most popular content
  • Previous partnerships

Your media kit is also great for follow-up emails.

Check out other ways to maximize your ROI on attending FinCon here.

2. Consider upgrading to a FinCon Pro Pass

A Pro Pass gives you access to Pro Networking to connect with brands for advertising deals. It’s kind of like speed dating…but there’s no dating involved. With a Pro Pass, you’re able to schedule 10-minute one-on-one meetings with brands so you have the potential to come to FinCon with your appointments already booked.

And if you run out of time to meet with all of the brands, you can network with the remaining ones during the Speaker/Pro Mixer that evening. Attendees tell us the Pro Pass pretty much pays for itself in relationships made during Pro Networking.

3. Go with the Heart of a Podcaster

FinCon isn’t your typical conference, so don’t approach it that way. Approach FinCon as a chance to tell your own story and find other people’s stories.  Instead of sharing generic podcast traits, explain your podcast (and yourself!) in a way that really lets your story shine.

Take that same storytelling mindset and apply it to others. There are thousands of people at FinCon, and each person has a positive money message. As you interact with people, get to know their stories and find ways to bring that storytelling to your audience.

4. Create Content On-Site

One thing you might be reluctant to do is to actually create content at the event. Don’t be! In fact, you might be surprised how many people ask you for a sound bite or a quote for their own podcasts. In addition to contributing to other people’s work, you can create your own content, too.

During the event, you’ll see podcasters setting up and recording interviews in many of the event’s common areas, such as FinCon Central, hotel lobbies, and hallways outside the breakout sessions.

In addition to recording, you can create your marketing collateral at FinCon. Throughout the event, snap pictures of your brand at work and share them on social media. You can also tag other influencers who are in the photos, and there’s a possibility they will share them with their audiences as well.

Even if you aren’t creating content at FinCon, you can make connections and gather useful information from other attendees at the event. Ask people to give you quotes or establish connections and follow up with them later when you get home.

5. Record an Episode at the Podcasting Stage

We set up your mics, provide a digital recorder, and give you the chance to record your podcast LIVE at the conference. All you’ve got to do is show up to the Podcasting Stage and start recording. Special thanks to Moomoo for sponsoring the Pocasting Stages.

While you might not need much in terms of equipment, make sure you have an SD card. Use it to record, and then make sure to take it with you afterward.

Spots are limited, so make sure you sign up in advance. Information on sign-ups is released in advance in the FinCon Facebook groups, both the general one and the group specifically for podcasters, the FinCon app, and sent out in event update emails.

6. Connect with Experts to Serve as Guests on Future Episodes of Your Podcast

Discover new podcasters from the FinCon community! A conversation in the hallway or during a meetup could turn into a future podcast episode on your show. Create key relationships that will potentially get your foot in the door as a guest on other shows.

It’s true that big names drive big downloads, but what really matters are interesting conversations. Try to find someone who shares a story that will pique your listeners’ interest. It’s an excellent way to differentiate your podcast from everyone else’s.

7. Join the FinCon Podcast Network Facebook Group

Money Nerd Podcasters UNITE! There are some great podcast-focused groups on Facebook, but none are as niche as the FinCon Podcast Network Facebook Group. It’s also a great way to connect with other podcasters both before and after the event. You’ll also find help on other podcasting-specific questions like, “What new mic should I buy?” or “Where can I find a guest to cover a specific topic?”

Join the community and get your questions answered by people just like you.

8. Attend Sessions and Meetups about Podcasting, Podcasting, and More Podcasting

We have an entire breakout session track dedicated to podcasters. (Shoutout to Steve Stewart Productions for sponsoring it!) Learn from the podcasting experts who will cover topics on workflows, securing sponsors, and increasing downloads. The podcasting sessions will be delivered digitally after the event, so you’ve got plenty of time to work through all the content.

In addition to accessing top-notch information, you also have a chance to meet other podcasters who are attending FinCon at the Platform Meetups. You can make plans to brainstorm, collaborate, and troubleshoot together. This is a great opportunity to start a mastermind and form new friendships.

9. New to Podcasting? Create Your Podcast Launch Plan

Give yourself a chance to learn to podcast. Don’t get so hung up on equipment. Get started, go, make mistakes, and then act on them.

FinCon is the perfect opportunity to create a launch plan. You’ll definitely want to take notes and ask plenty of questions. Veteran podcasters who are both leading sessions and simply attending the event are likely more than happy to share with you what works and what didn’t when they got started.

10. Hire a Podcast Production Assistant at the Freelancer Marketplace

So, I can meet a virtual assistant in person before I even hire them?


The Freelancer Marketplace will help you create business relationships that will carry your podcast show to the next level. Find niche-specific professionals that already understand your needs and our community.

At FinCon, you can find people who will help with editing your podcast, writing your show notes, and so many other things. By outsourcing some of this work, you can focus more on your podcast and creating a long-term system. In addition to using the Freelancer Marketplace, you can also connect with other podcasters, asking who they use for show support.

Ready to take action? Sign up for FinCon or upgrade to a Pro Pass.


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Passionate about helping people with their finances through your writing, podcasting, or video channel? This show is for you!



Picture of Libby Gifford

Libby Gifford

Libby is the Creative and Marketing Director for FinCon.



  • Wow! What a helpful article! I’m going to grow my podcast like crassaasssssssssszzszszy in 2019 🙂

    Pumped for Julie from Fire Drill’s session.

    Thank you for putting this together Team FinCon!

  • I am willing to be a guest if anybody is looking. I mostly speak about goal-setting, high-achievement, and entrepreneurship. (Also SEO and Blogging)

    I host a top 30 entrepreneurship podcast called Creating a Brand