Video Wrap-Up: Predicting Trends to Create Killer Content

Kelly Whalen of The Centsible Life, Melanie Nelson, and Kelly Kinkaid are some very busy bloggers. In addition to running successful blogs, each one has created a media-savvy internet career by combining their interest in money issues with their writing skills.

At FinCon12, these three social media and blogging experts shared their insights on how editorial calendars, blogging analysis tools, and social media trends can help you to plan, create, and even re-purpose fabulous content in ways that will increase your readership. It takes organization and preparation to use these tools to your blog’s best advantage, but as Kelly, Melanie, and Kelly can attest, the benefits are enormous. Watch these three bloggers explain how to use the tools at your disposal to predict trends and improve your blog, and follow along with their slides below:


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