Review: Can Contently Help You Get Better Writing Jobs?

One of the questions that I am constantly asked is this: “How do you find high-paying writing gigs?”

The truth? I don’t actually look. And, honestly, sometimes I’m probably not paid as much as I could be. However, if you are looking for better-paying jobs, there is a site that is aimed at you. Contently aims to connect writers with clients looking for high-quality work. (That’s the key; higher quality often means higher pay.)

Features of Contently — For Writers

For publishers, Contently promises high quality content. With the need for content, especially online, rising rapidly, many publishers are looking for writers who can deliver. But what are the features Contently promises for writers? Some of them include:

  • Free online portfolio site
  • Access to quality freelance jobs
  • Ability to manage payment quickly and easily

Increasingly, it’s important to have an online portfolio. Publishers, editors and others want to be able to find your “home” on the Web, and that can’t be accomplished if you don’t have one. Contently helps you build a portfolio that can help you build your brand.

It doesn’t appear, though, that just anyone can simply build a free freelance portfolio. Indeed, when you try, you are asked to enter your email and request an invitation. I still haven’t received an invite. But, if I do receive an invite, I’ll go through the process and update this post to reflect my experience.

Not Another Content Farm

In my very early days of freelancing and writing online, I turned out SEO keyword garbage. It’s one of my dark secrets. When I started out a few years ago, the online space wasn’t the same place it is now, and I had bills to pay. So, when someone offered me $5 an article to include a certain number of a specific keyword, I did it.

This is not the way Contently does things. The site, started by Columbia grad Shane Snow, is branding itself as a place for journalists to look for freelance work — and publishers to connect with professional writers who can provide them with high quality articles and Web content.

What do you think? Have you had any experience with Contently?


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