Don’t Miss This Week’s #FinCon16 Inspired #CreditChat on Wednesday at 3pm ET

Here’s a note from Experian’s Mike Delgado:

We are thrilled to make our way to San Diego for #FinCon16!

This is our favorite event of the year — and we are celebrating by throwing a special FinCon pre-party on Twitter.

Topic: Favorite Money Tips from Our FinCon Community
When: Wednesday, September 21 at 3pm ET

Join us on Twitter by using the #CreditChat and #FinCon16 hashtags. The Twitter panel will include: Philip Taylor: Founder of FinCon; John & David: The Debt Free Guys; Rod Griffin: Director of Public Education at Experian and Mike Delgado: Director of Social Media at Experian.

Here are questions we’ll be covering:

Q1: Why is financial literacy important?
Q2: Is there any specific financial tip your wish you had learned at an early age?
Q3: What financial advice would you give teenagers starting their first jobs?
Q4: What financial advice would you give someone graduating from college?
Q5: What aspect of financial literacy do you think people find the most challenging?
Q6: What basic steps can someone take to start getting their finances in order?
Q7: What advice would you give someone wanting to learn more about credit?
Q8: What advice would you give someone who is struggling to make ends meet?
Q9: What are some great blogs to learn more about personal finance topics?
Q10: What are some favorite Twitter accounts focused on money?

We look forward to tweeting with you and seeing you at FinCon!


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