How Brands Can Make the Most of ProNetworking

Your team is headed to FinCon – yay! But there are a lot of details and moving parts and you might be wondering: how can my team make the most of this opportunity? 

In this guide, we’ll help you maximize one of the most important aspects of your sponsorship – scheduling 1:1 meetings with creators. Or what we call, Pro Networking.

You’ll discover actionable strategies to prepare for Pro Networking, plus tips for effective follow-up once it’s all over.

But before diving into how to optimize your meetings, a quick reminder – The app is live and it is where you schedule 1:1 meetings with creators. 

Meetings can be requested by brands or creators and many of you will find that creators have already begun reaching out to you to schedule meetings. So to begin with, each member of your team should download it. (Last week, we sent this email with download instructions.) 

Making the Most of Pro Networking

So how do you leverage Pro Networking so that you can get the most ROI from your time at FinCon? Just showing up at FinCon and winging it could work for some people, but your company has invested cash dollars in your attendance and a significant part of that is scheduling meetings with creators. 

Taking some time before you arrive to get a game plan will yield much better ROI. Here are some strategic steps that you should take action on now:

Download the app and fill out your profile. 

Answer all the questions so that when creators look at your profile, they know exactly who you are and what your company is looking for.

Remember: Creators can request meetings from brands, and brands can request meetings from creators. So filling out your profile helps them find you the same way their profiles help you find them!

Set up 1:1 meetings with creators in the app. 

In the app, you have 2 ways to connect with creators – 

Plus Pass holders are listed under the orange Pro Networking button. Those are creators who paid a premium to come to FinCon and do business with brands. It also includes all of the speakers. You can go to their profiles and choose a 15-minute time slot to request a meeting. There will be an option to host the meeting in your booth, at one of several meeting tables, or virtually. Meetings take place anytime throughout the 4-day event.

[Pro Tip] There are 18 meeting tables available in Hanover every 15 minutes. If there are no meeting tables available during the time slot you’re requesting, then select a different time slot. As meetings get booked, tables that are claimed will not show up in the list of meeting spaces.

The Attendee List button includes all attendees. While you won’t find a time slot on their profile to book a meeting, you can DM them to request one. You’ll just have to tell them where to meet you. It won’t be automated like it is for the Plus Pass holders. 

[Pro Tip] The app allows you to filter the Plus Pass list by niches and platforms. So, for example, if you are looking for YouTubers whose content focuses on investing, you can filter down to find them.

Introduce yourself in the app.

Drop a comment in the Feed and tell people who you are, what you do, and the type of partnerships you are looking for at FinCon. Creators are looking for brand reps, just as brand reps are looking for creators. Make it easy to find you –  say hi!

Attend the Speaker/Plus Mixer for More Networking

The Plus Pass grants you entry to the exclusive Speaker/Plus Mixer networking event on Wednesday evening. To make the most of it, consider any creators that you haven’t scheduled meetings with but would like to meet in person. Send them a DM and let them know you want to connect with them there. 

Feel free to adapt this strategy to fit your own goals. And remember, your conversations don’t have to end there. Suggest post-event follow-up meetings or coffee chats to continue the dialogue started at the event.

With these tips in hand, you’re all set to maximize your brand’s Pro Networking experience and get as many 1:1 meetings scheduled with creators as possible!



Picture of Jessica Bufkin

Jessica Bufkin