How 5 Bloggers Collaborated to Launch a Multimedia Project – M&M Podcast Episode 4

Our July podcast is live, just in time for the holiday if you’re in the United States….and just in time for the weekend if you’re everywhere else!

No time to get involved with multimedia? How about hooking up with some like-minded businesspeople and sharing the load?

Glen Craig (Free From Broke), Tom Drake (Canadian Finance Blog), and Miranda Marquit (Planting Money Seeds) join us this week to talk about how five veteran bloggers banded together to create a weekly YouTube video show AND a podcast (#3 on iTunes “New and Noteworthy” as I write this). You’ll hear about how they split the workload, choose topics, what technology you’d need to launch your own, and how they turned the audio into a podcast. From music and artwork to the editorial decisions and website, we’ll discuss it all so you can do it too!

…as if that weren’t enough, Beverly Harzog (author and blogger at and Rob Berger ( and the Doughroller podcast) share some fascinating insights and tips they learned at FinCon 13. From them you’ll hear about (among others) promoting your blog, writing better posts, the importance of multimedia and networking.

Eric Rosenberg (NarrowBridge Finance) introduces Ignite Fincon. Want to have some fun and speak at FinCon, but only for five minutes? Here’s your opportunity.

PT and Joe also share Plutus Awards news, information on breakout speakers, and more.

It’s an action packed 80 minute show! Enjoy!

SHOW NOTES – Enter the GoBankingRates Summer Savings Video Challenge for a Chance to Win $1,000! Here’s your chance to win a pre-loaded $1,000 savings account and be featured at FinCon ’14! Here’s how: make a one minute video about saving money. If yours gets the most votes, you’ll take home the cool top prize. Want details? Check them out here.

Interview with the Money Mastermind Show participants

– Their website:

PT & Joe – Discussion about audio/visual

– Joe mentions Levelator. Find it here.

Eric Rosenberg: Ignite FinCon

– Submit your application here.

Plutus Awards – Nominations open July 15

FinCon Roundtable

– Beverly Harzog’s Site: Beverly

– Beverly’s book: Confessions of a Credit Junkie

– Rob Berger’s Site:

– Rob’s Podcast: The Doughroller Podcast

New Breakout Session Speakers Announced!

Subscribe to the Show

Subscribe to the podcast through iTunes and new episodes will show up every month!

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Would you rather listen on your smartphone? Try Stitcher, the iPP app for Android or the iPhone podcast app. We’re available on each of these platforms.

About Our Hosts:

Philip Taylor owns and operates FinCon as well at the personal finance website PT Money.

Joe Saul-Sehy is the co-host of the Stacking Benjamins personal finance podcast and operates the Stacking Benjamins blog.



Picture of Joe Saul-Sehy

Joe Saul-Sehy



  • Thanks so much for having Miranda, Tom, and me on the show to talk about the Money Mastermind Show! I just listened to the episode and it was great hearing about Ignite as well as Rob\’s and Beverly\’s takeaways.

    • That was a fun interview. It was cool to see how you separated responsibilities and each brought unique talents to the show. Loved it.

  • Thanks for having the Money Mastermind team on the show – I think I may have actually gotten more credit than deserved just by not being on! Thanks guys!

    • Sorry we missed you on this one, Peter…..but they certainly sang your praises. If you miss many more they\’ll create a statue in your honor!