#FinCon19 Community Service Project: Party With a Purpose

Do you remember as a child how excited you were about your birthday? Remember that moment of inspiration when you closed your eyes and made a wish as you blew out the candles? Priceless. Unfortunately, not all kids have that same experience. There are nearly 900 children and teens in the D.C. area who are displaced from their homes. Most of them have never had a birthday party. This year, let’s spread the FinCon fun and make sure that every kid has an opportunity to properly celebrate their birthday.

The National Endowment for Financial Education (NEFE) is proud to once again present the FinCon community service project—our fourth year in a row. This time around we are honored to partner with Champions of Change, a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping create amazing experiences for kids in need around the country. Champions of Change was founded in 2013 by then 8- and 6-year-old brothers Jeremiah and Joshua West to serve less fortunate youth. For the 2019 community service project, NEFE, Champions of Change and FinCon are partying with a purpose and teaming up with one mission: to let D.C. foster youth know that they matter!

This year’s giveback initiative will feature one of Champions of Change’s signature programs: “Birthday in a Bag.” Each bag includes cake mix, frosting, balloons, candles, streamers, a special gift and much more so that each child can celebrate his or her birthday no matter where they are. FinCon attendees will have the opportunity to volunteer, helping to fill 600 birthday bags from 10am-11am on Friday, September 6, 2019, in FinCon Central. Come on out, bring a friend or two, and have a great time while making positive and lasting change in the lives of foster children.

About the National Endowment for Financial Education (NEFE)
NEFE is a nonprofit foundation committed to leading and encouraging best practices in research, education and evaluation to collectively impact the financial capability of Americans. NEFE has been a proud sponsor of FinCon since the beginning in 2011. For more, visit www.nefe.org.

About Champions of Change
Champions of Change, Inc. is a nonprofit whose mission is to empower people of all ages, cultures and backgrounds to serve as “change agents” in their own communities who perform “little deeds that have a huge impact.” Our desire is to make the world a better place by giving back and helping those who are less fortunate through charitable outreaches. For more, championsofchangeusa.org.



Picture of Team FinCon

Team FinCon

