Do the Financial Future Right With Ally at #FinCon16

It’s that time of year again.

When bloggers and bankers meet for a summit of the financial world’s brightest minds.

Yes, you guessed it, #FinCon16 has arrived. And as always, Ally will be right at the center of everything. You definitely don’t want to miss any of what we’ve got lined up – here’s a quick rundown of the events.

For #FinCon16, the Ally booth is looking to the future. Since everyone loves making predictions, we thought it’d be fun to play up this natural urge. At our booth, attendees will show off their knowledge by forecasting what the future will bring for the world of finance.

Hop in our video booth – a platform for FinCon attendees to showcase their insights by distilling predictions into brief, shareable content. And in order to add a little levity to this year’s event, we are bringing an exclusive “financial fortune-teller” to contribute some comedic insights. The financial future can seem a little foggy at times – but we know attendees envision it brightly – and we want to help share that vision.

#FinCon16 is sure to be the best one yet, and we’re excited to join you again this year. We hope to see you there.


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Philip Taylor